Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Timeless Tuesday-Horsing Around

This is me holding Grady. He is a thoroughbred and ex-race horse.
He is real sweetie!

Today was my first riding lesson ever!!!!!!!!!
It was hard at first but it got easier as we progressed. The trot was the hardest part of the lesson. I thought I was going to fall off because it was so bouncy. I can't wait until my next lesson.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Beautiful Blue Bird

Yesterday, I went to monitor blue bird boxes at a local county park. We checked about seven boxes and found three with nests. One nest belonged to a Carolina Wren. The other belong the a Nuthatch. The eggs of those two birds look exactly the same so you have to identify by the type of nest. Nuthatches have a shallow nest with pinestraw and mulch. The Carolina Wren was much deeper. Our last box contained a blue bird nest with six eggs!
This is a abandoned nest from the Eastern Blue Bird. The blue bird can have 3-7 eggs at a time, though 4-5 is the most common. They can have up to three nests a year. Blue Bird eggs can be light blue or white.
When you are checking a Blue Bird box always come from the side. Knock to let the birds know you are there. It might help if you bring a mirror to see in a deep nest. Watch out because blue birds, will try to dive at you to scare you away.